safe water procedure

In accordance with the Ministry Environment regulations all cold water taps are flushed for at least five minutes once a week, before the daycare is open to the children. A record is kept of the date, time and signature of the person conducting the flushing procedure. This documentation is kept on file for 6 years.

Sampling procedure and testing for lead are conducted every three years between May 1 and October 31 as required by the regulation.  Copies of these reports by the laboratory are kept on file for 6 years.  If the results of these tests exceed any of the standards prescribed by 0.Reg 169/03, the Medical Officer of Health will be notified, and their direction will be followed. Annual testing will then be undertaken for the following two years, until a clear test has been received for two consecutive years. All records, documents and a copy of 0. Reg. 243/07 are be available for inspection by any member of the public during normal business hours.

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